Mailpoet – Newsletter and Emails

  • Populate the subscription lists, with the appropriate members
    • Note: a subscriber can be in one or more of these lists.
  • Create one list for each active membership level.
    + a generic one for marketing.
  • you can’t delete the WordPress user list it’s mandatory
  • you need to keep the team test list, see description
  • you need to have an unsubscribe list. data protection act (GDPR)
  • The remaining lists – delete???

  • Newsletter Automation : requirements
  • 1, A populated subscriber list for each membership level
  • 2, A Post Category for each active Membership level
  • 3, A page configured to display the Posts.

  • Create a Newsletter template that can be duplicated/cloned
    Customised a clone for each active Membership Level

All of this be set up before we go onto creating the page
NB: The page can not be added to the main menu until the magic part 2 has been implemented and tested.

Create the a Page for the Newsletter Blog (it think this need to be fairly generic name ) as the same page will be used for multiple membership levels, We will use conditional filters and blocks to display the right content to each memberships level
how to we achieve this? This method may seem complicated and to be fair it is.(a bit).

  • Pre requisites-
    Posts per page Add a Post Category name for each membership level. (boxercise, 5ynergy etc)
    Create a Blog post for each membership level and assign the post category for the membership level .
  • Building the page.
    we’ll first create group of blocks then duplicate it once for each membership level.
    + an extra group for the free level and the general public = marketing promotions and freebies.
  • create the first group , within that group add a heading then add a “query loop” block” then close off the group ( but you can add as many blocks as you want within the group
  • edit the query block – “start blank or select one of the layouts, customise the colours and tweak the layout
    Test – preview the page -(note it will show all of the blog post- that’s fine) once you happy with the layout.
  • Duplicate the Group – one copy for each membership level+ one extra.
  • This next step will may life easier in the future
    go to the top Group and rename it to a membership level e.g “Boxercise”
  • for each remaining Group edit its name using a different membership level.
    • If you were to preview the page you’ll have the same list of blog posts shown multiple times.
  • Now for the Magic; Part 1
  • go to the first group “Boxercise” click on the query loop block
    in the right side look for “filters” and add the post category name for the membership level.
    the content inside the Block will dynamically ‘should show at least one Boxercise article.
  • Repeat the the process for each groups query block.
  • Once completed the do test preview, it will show one article per membership level.
  • If one group didn’t display an article, you’ll have figure that out.
  • When all Group content is displaying correctly we can move onto Part 2 .

  • The Magic, part 2
  • We add in the conditional Logic to display one of the Groups
    the Boxercise members will be able to logon an vAll of this be set up before we do part 2 -iew the “Boxercise articles
  • — more steps –to add -WIP

Nate : Curate pages

Nate, over the years you’ve created a lot of pages I think 90% can be popped into the BIN

The main issue of have these old and unused pages published is the size of the database.and your google ranking
1, by having so many pages slows down the content search speed
2, having so may old pages that are not updated can be detrimental to the rankings?
basically fewer pages with frequent updates are better.
3, with the move over to use Woo-commerce – for the recipes as products can be search for by a user by default these searcher are optimised and efficient.

4, I need to teach how to dynamically auto update the content on Pages

This will save a ton of time and effort

BOOK ME UP. IN FEB – 2 x I hour slots.

BunnyNet video

any video displayed on this page – is using the embed code taken from the Steam library, they are not using the presto player.

Storage zone = nda-video added folder webm then uploaded this webm video into the folder
Pullzone added – security = only 3 domains are allowed to embed the video
1, ndafitness 2, nda5ynegy 3,

the link below was added a Link it opens in a new tab which will display (I hope) a 403 page = denied access
when a Video is added using a standard “video block” by entering the BunnyNet url: (which is the same as the one above)
the Video will play in a player. However, there is no protection available so it can be downloaded. once someone has the video they can share it.

The secure method to embed your videos

  • I created Streaming storage zone named “NDA-streams”
  • customised the player (disabled the download functions)
  • activate basic DRM (this also prevents downloading the video files _ bonus, this is free on BunnyNet)
  • all of your domain names were added and trusted. (no other domains can pull the streams)
  • I uploaded the same video (webm)
    • note: the file name cannot be changed. if you notice a typo. delete the file and upload a new file
    • embed the url into a standard video block -this failed to load as its not an mp4 (learning curve)
  • I uploaded one MP4 video file into the Streaming zone
    • bunnynet then trans-codes the original mp4 file, adds the player and the DRM certificate
  • you then copy the EMBED code and set the setting as per the image below
    copy the (<div style ….. code) into an “html block”