BunnyNet video

any video displayed on this page – is using the embed code taken from the Bunny.net Steam library, they are not using the presto player.

Storage zone = nda-video added folder webm then uploaded this webm video into the folder
Pullzone added – security = only 3 domains are allowed to embed the video
1, ndafitness 2, nda5ynegy 3, 5ynergy.co.uk

the link below was added a Link it opens in a new tab which will display (I hope) a 403 page = denied access
when a Video is added using a standard “video block” by entering the BunnyNet url: (which is the same as the one above)
the Video will play in a player. However, there is no protection available so it can be downloaded. once someone has the video they can share it.

The secure method to embed your videos

  • I created Streaming storage zone named “NDA-streams”
  • customised the player (disabled the download functions)
  • activate basic DRM (this also prevents downloading the video files _ bonus, this is free on BunnyNet)
  • all of your domain names were added and trusted. (no other domains can pull the streams)
  • I uploaded the same video (webm)
    • note: the file name cannot be changed. if you notice a typo. delete the file and upload a new file
    • embed the url into a standard video block -this failed to load as its not an mp4 (learning curve)
  • I uploaded one MP4 video file into the Streaming zone
    • bunnynet then trans-codes the original mp4 file, adds the player and the DRM certificate
  • you then copy the EMBED code and set the setting as per the image below
    copy the (<div style ….. code) into an “html block”