Why choose a mobile personal trainer with NDA Fitness?

There are many reasons a mobile personal trainer can be more beneficial than a standard gym based personal trainer. In today’s busy world, you cannot beat the convenience of a mobile personal trainer that comes to you in your home. This saves time whether you are too far from a gym, don’t have transport or you just have limited availability.

Whether this is a new decision to enter the world of health and fitness or you are returning, the gym can be a very daunting and scary place whatever your physical or psychological state may be. In my story, you’ll see that I came from a place of low confidence and self image so I understand the value of working in the comfort of your own home.

With me as your trainer, you can rest assured that I am there for you and you alone with no risk of interruptions like in the gym environment, enabling us greater focus.

I am really unfit, will I benefit from a personal trainer?

The answer to this is ABSOLUTELY! Everybody is different and the results they want to achieve are as unique as they are. With me as your personal trainer we will go through your short, medium and long term goals and I will develop a programme to get you where you want to be within an agreed realistic timeframe.

I like what I eat and I am not sure if it is worth having a trainer?

I understand this only too well, I started in a place of eating whatever I wanted and doing very little. In essence, if you increase your activity and nothing else, you will see change occur. This is why I have a 1:1 consultation so we can discuss what is right for you, ultimately my goal is to support you to reach yours. We cannot immediately change any emotional attachments or dependency on a bad diet, however we can work together to build new habits and sustainable change.

How often do I need to train each week?

This is a question where the answer all depends on you, your goals and how quickly you wish to achieve them. I recommend 2-3 sessions per week, how many of these you need with me depends on your current fitness level, as well as how confident or motivated you feel to train on your own. For those who like the commitment of a schedule and not training alone, online live group classes are available. During your consultation we will process your goals and look at how frequently you will train with me. The minimal frequency that I recommend would be once per week to ensure that we establish a good foundation in order to reach your goals. Guidance will be given for any sessions that you do during the week without me.

Why are there no prices for your personal training on your website?

For me there is no “one size fits all” programme, which is why it is so important that I get to know each member individually. Your goals and therefore your programme will be personally tailored to suit you. I offer a free 15 minute chat to allow us to get a feel for one another. If you decide to proceed, we book you in for a one hour consultation. This allows me to really get to know you and your goals, so we can adapt your programme to meet your individualised needs.

What type of equipment do you use with clients?

Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Yoga Mats, Medicine Balls, Resistance Bands and Box Steps are amongst some of the equipment I carry. The equipment we use will differ depending on the programme we have decided suits you best.

Do you offer nutritional guidance or a diet plan?

Following your 1:1 Discovery call, if Nutritional guidance is something we both agree you need within your personalised programme, then this additional support will be built into your programme. Personalised diet plans are perfect for those who are feeling lost when it comes to eating well, or feel like bad food choices are sabotaging their goals. This additional support will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to ensure you continue to make life long healthy food choices.